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EPI Correction with polarity images using TOPUP

Steps to setup and apply FSL Topup correction on EPI data collected here with the use of your polarity images

Create your acquisition parameters

There will be two series of single timepoint EPI images. You can grab relevant info to create the acq_params.txt files.

You need to calculate echo train length and get the polarity direction.

the ETL for the parameter file will be:

ETL = ( **echospacing** * **echotrainlength** ) / 1000  #in secs

the polarity for the entry will have to be determined from the seriesdescription, which is typically “field map reverse polarity” or “field map regular”

reverse will be “-1” in the acq_params.txt and regular will be “1”

 echo '0 -1 0 [ETL]' > acq_params.txt
 echo '0 1 0 [ETL]' >> acq_params.txt

example output:
   0 -1 0 0.604
   0 1 0 0.604
Create your Blip Up/Down image

Merge the two polarity images together into a 4D file with fsl_merge. Put them in the order of your acq_params.txt file. In the example above, it would be reversed, then regular.

fslmerge -t bud ../bia6_00186_006.nii.gz ../bia6_00186_007.nii.gz
tesla:00273 cmp12$ fslinfo bud.nii.gz 
    data_type      INT16
    dim1           128
    dim2           128
    dim3           70
    dim4           2
Run topup to calculate the field and coefficients images for correction
#run popup calculate the field/coef
topup --verbose --imain=bud --datain=acq_params.txt --config=$FSLDIR/src/topup/flirtsch/b02b0.cnf --out=rs_topup --fout=topup_field
Now apply the correction to your functional runs
#apply it
applytopup --imain=../bia6_00186_008_01.nii.gz --inindex=1 --method=jac --datain=acq_params.txt --topup=rs_topup --out=run008 --verbose
applytopup --imain=../bia6_00186_009_01.nii.gz --inindex=1 --method=jac --datain=acq_params.txt --topup=rs_topup --out=run009 --verbose
applytopup --imain=../bia6_00186_010_01.nii.gz --inindex=1 --method=jac --datain=acq_params.txt --topup=rs_topup --out=run010 --verbose
biac/analysis/topup_correction.1550593584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)