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Scanner Access

BIAC Level 1 Access If you need access to the MRI suites, you must first review the MRI safety materials and pass the safety quiz to demonstrate your understanding of the material covered. These materials are available on our website at the following link:

Once you have successfully passed the quiz and completed the MR Screening Form ( we can grant you BIAC Level 1 Access. Please fax or email the screening form to BIAC at 919-681-7033 or You may also drop the form off at BIAC in person if you prefer. Once you have sent us your completed form, send an email to with your Duke Unique ID and your HID-Activated Duke Card Number. It typically takes one or two business days for your card to be activated.

BIAC Level 2 Access This type of access is available for individuals who have have completed the BIAC Level 2 safety training and received the proper approvals. This access is typically limited to one person per department. Special approval is required from a Core BIAC Faculty* as well as the Director, Dr. Allen Song. This training also requires observing scan sessions with an MR technologist. Please contact the BIAC front office for more information

*Core BIAC Faculty:

Aysenil Belger ~ Nan-Kuei Chen ~ Michele Diaz ~ Gabriel Dichter ~ Todd Harshbarger ~ Scott Huettel ~ Chris Lascola ~ Chunlei Liu ~ Dave Madden ~ Joe McClernon ~ Rajendra Morey ~ Jeff Petrella ~ Allen Song ~ Trong-kha Truong ~ Jim Voyvodic ~ Lihong Wang

BIAC Level 3 Access This type of access is limited to individuals who have completed Level 3 BIAC safety training or have demonstrated equivalent MRI competency with BIAC approval. This access is limited to Faculty, postdocs and research assistants who have been approved by the BIAC director for training as an MRI operator. Please contact the BIAC front office for more information

For more information on the different access levels, please visit our SOP101 page.

BIAC Medium Access

Access for individuals who have completed BIAC safety training (including the quiz) and who have a safety screening form on file in the BIAC office.

BIAC Medium individuals are authorized for the following:

  • May enter Console Room without supervision.
  • May receive a key card to enter the Console Room.
  • May operate the experimental control PC during study.
  • May escort a Subject between reception and the MRI suite.
  • May move data from MRI system when no Subject is being run.

BIAC Medium individuals are prohibited from the following:

  • May not operate the MRI console to acquire data.
  • May not setup or remove Subjects from the scanner.
  • May not be left alone with a Subject in the scanner.

Example of BIAC Medium individuals:

  • Most graduate students and post-docs who assist faculty who do not have primary BIAC appointments.
  • Undergraduates who are conducting independent study under supervision of primary BIAC faculty.

BIAC High Access

Individuals who have have completed BIAC High safety training.

BIAC High individuals have all BIAC Medium authorizations and the following:

  • May enter Magnet Room with supervision.
  • May setup Subject in the scanner with supervision.
  • May remove the Subject from the MRI scanner.

BIAC High individuals are prohibited from the following:

  • May not operate the scanner.

Example of BIAC High individuals:

  • Faculty, post-docs, and research assistants who have been approved by the BIAC director for training as a MRI operator.
biac/scanneraccess.1350478673.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)