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 +===== fMRI Methods Journal Club =====
 +===== Past Presentations =====
 +==== 2013 Fall ====
 +One of our goals at BIAC for 2013 was to increase discussions and collaboration between affiliate labs.  After discussions with several neuroimaging researchers in BIAC and CCN, we decided to organize a fMRI Methods Journal Club.  For this fall, we will be focusing on high-resolution imaging and associated analysis for brain activation and connectivity. 
 +  * **September 24: Improving the spatial resolution of fMRI and DTI**\\ //Dr. Nan-kuei Chen//
 +        * Location: Medical Science Research Building: MSRB001 
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:methods_journal_club:2013_fmri_methods_jc_chen.pdf|Improving the spatial resolution of fMRI and DTI}}
 +  * **October 8: New developments on network inference and its preliminary applications in brain imaging**\\ //Dr. Guillermo Sapiro and Marcelo Fiori//
 +        * Location: MSRB001k 
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:methods_journal_club:sapiro_slides_20131008.pdf|New developments on network inference and its preliminary applications in brain imaging}}
 +  * **October 29: Discussion regarding high resolution application**\\ //Dr. Nan-kuei Chen and Dr. Allen Song//
 +        * Location: MSRB001
 +==== 2013 Spring ====
 +One of our goals at BIAC for 2013 was to increase discussions and collaboration between affiliate labs.  fMRI Methods Journal Club's participating labs have the opportunity to present interesting journal articles, discuss some of the newer methods related to our research here at Duke, and make an effort/plan to implement some of them.  General topics to be discussed, include: DTI, uses for resting state analyses, physiological measures and de-noising the data,  real-time fMRI, MVPA --- just to name a few.
 +  * **January 28: Dual Regression ICA**\\ //Amanda Utevsky//
 +        * Location: Hock Plaza #5104 (BIAC Conference Room)\\ No recommended readings
 +  * **February 4: DTI**\\  //Sally Cocjin, David Hoagey, Vijeth Iyengar, & Micah Johnson//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:assaf_pasternak_2008_dti_review.pdf|Assaf and Pasternak, 2008}} \\ {{:biac:hagmann_2006.pdf| Hagmann, 2006}} \\ {{:biac:schmidt_et_al_2012_lst.pdf| Schmidt et al, 2012}}
 +        * Additional recommended articles:\\ {{:biac:jones_etal_2012_the_do_s_and_don_ts_of_diffusion_mri.pdf|The do's and don'ts of diffusion MRI}}\\ {{:biac:wheeler-kingshott_etal_2012_new_approach_to_structural_integrity_assessment_based_on_axial_and_radial_diffusivities.pdf|New approach to structural integrity assessment based on axial and radial diffusivities}}\\ {{:biac:wheeler-kingshottcercignani2009_about_axial_and_radial_diffusivities.pdf|About axial and radial diffusivities}}
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:powerpoint_dti_fmri_methods_journal_club_4feb2013.pdf| DTI Slides}}
 +  * **February 11: Physio-denoising**\\ //Katie Dickerson & Jeff MacInnes//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:glover_li_ress_2000.pdf|Glover, Li, and Ress, 2000}}
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:physio_denoising.pdf|Physio-Deniosing Slides}}
 +  * **February 18: Patient vs HC and Other Group Effect Complexities**\\ // Elise Demeter, Raj Morey, & Emily Parks//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ No recommended readings
 +  * **February 25: Statistical Correction for Multiple Comparisons**\\ // Lasana Harris' Lab//
 +        * Location: Hock Plaza  #5104 (BIAC Conference Room) \\ {{:biac:kriegeskorte_et_al_2009.pdf| Kriegeskorte et al, 2009}}
 +  * **March 4: Real-time fMRI**\\ //Katie Dickerson, Jeff MacInnes, & Jim Voyvodic//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:decharms_tics_2007.pdf|TICS Review by DeCharms, 2007}} \\ {{:biac:yoo_2012.pdf|Yoo, 2012}}
 +        * Presentation: [[|Real-time fMRI Slides]]
 +  * **March 18: Single Trial Betas** (overview & practical application)\\ //Amy Winecoff//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:mumford_etal_2012.pdf|Mumford et al, 2012}}
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:winecoff_single_trial_methods.pdf|Single Trial Methods Slides}}
 +  * **March 25: PPI and Residual Connectivity** (overview & practical application)\\ //Tobias Egner//
 +        * Location: Hock Plaza #5104 (BIAC Conference Room) \\ {{:biac:al-aidroos_et_al._2012.pdf|Al-Aidroos et al, 2012}} \\ {{:biac:o_reilly_et_al._2012.pdf|O'Reilly et al, 2012}}
 +        * Additional recommended articles: \\ {{:biac:methods_journal_club:mclaren_etal_2012_neuroimage.pdf|}}
 +        * Presentation: {{:biac:methods_journal_club:egner_functional_connectivity_talk.pdf|Functional Connectivity Slides }}
 +  * **April 1: Resting State Analysis** (overview)\\ //Ying-hui Chou//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:cole_2010.pdf|Cole, 2010}}
 +  * **April 8: Resting State Analysis** (practical applications)\\ //Guy Potter//
 +        * Location: MSRB001 \\ {{:biac:fox_frontiers_review_2010.pdf|Fox & Greicius, 2010}}
 +  * **April 22: MVPA**\\ //Jiefeng Jiang, Philip Kragel, & Erik Wing//
 +        * Location: Hock Plaza #5104 (BIAC Conference Room) \\ {{:biac:connolly_jneuro_2012.full.pdf|Connolly et al, 2012}} \\ {{:biac:esterman-2009-decoding_cognitive_c.pdf|Esterman et al, 2009}}
biac/methods_journal_club.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by