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Account Passwords

Here are links to change and/or reset your password for various BIAC-related computer accounts. See Account Requests for more info on account types. Also, refer to the following forum post for details on password changes.

Note: If you request a password reset, be sure to include your username in the email.

  • DHE account - Change Password (Log on, click Settings, then Change Password.) Forgot Password Also known as Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) account. This will reset your NetID password as well. You can also call DHTS Help Desk at 684-2243.
  • BIAC Cluster - Uses DHE account.
  • BIAC Wiki - Uses DHE account.
  • DHE VPN - Uses DHE account.
  • Trouble Ticket Account - Change Password (You may need to log in and click Profile in upper right.) Forgot Password
  • BIAC Forums Account - Change Password Forgot Password

Password Requirements

  • Must have at least 8 characters
  • Must contain at least three of the following character classes: lowercase, uppercase, digit, symbol
  • Must not contain your name or username
  • Must be changed at least every 180 days or when it is believed or known to have been compromised
  • Must not be re-used in less than three years
  • Please also refer to the Duke Medicine Password Standard
biac/password.1387673035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)