ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 5 (OutputFiles): outputfiles

outputfiles -- ShowPlay output files

There are currently two output files that appear in the directory when a stimulus run is completed.

\l[pdigmfile;The paradigm file]


\l[showoutfile;The '.out' file]


These two types of files are the default output files, but there are other options for which output files are created. The save \l[saveflags;output flags] can be set using a menu from the command line before starting a paradigm, or the saveflag can be a part of the paradigm \l[parametersettings;parameter settings] in the '.ppf' file.

There is also a \l[cigallogfile;cigal.log] file created every time CIGAL is closed, but this does not necessarily contain any specific information about your ShowPlay run(s).

(Note: If error messages are created there may also be other output files created that have '.tmp' extentions or are named 'tmp'. These files have no relation to your data and can be deleted.)

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, OutputFiles List, Manual Help