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Experimental Control System


Video stimuli are presented to subjects in the bore of the 1.5T scanner using a video projector located at the back of the magnet room. This is a standard video projector that has a custom built long Buhl lens that can focus its output onto a transluscent plastic screen near the center of the magnet bore. The subjects view the screen when they are lying in the scanner using a pair of glasses with a 45 degree mirror. The mirror allows them to see the screen behind them.

The screen covers approximately 30 x 15 degrees of the visual field (at 50cm from the eyes).

(Note; getting the video to the projector is by way of the switch) (Note; once person is inside

The projector is currently only used on the 1.5T. Input to the projector is controlled by the NTIVideoSwitcher, located in the 'Programs' folder under the 'Start' menu.

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Experimental Control System Home Page

biac/experimentalcontrol/projector.1301582952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)