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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): install

Install --

CIGAL is distributed on two floppy disks. The RUN disk contains all of the files needed to use CIGAL, and the SRC disk contains files that allow you to change the program if you like. (Note: Only the RUN disk is provided with the Free-Trial version of CIGAL.)

For Macintosh computers:

 To install CIGAL:
  1. Insert the diskette and copy the entire CIGAL folder to your hard disk.
     Typically, CIGAL is placed in the "Applications" folder but it doesn't
     really matter where you put the CIGAL folder.
  2. Open the CIGAL folder and double click on the CIGAL program to start it.
  3. Type "install".  You will first see an instruction window and then the
     find-file menu will appear.  You must use the find-file menu to locate
     the CIGAL program in the CIGAL directory on your hard drive.  Once you
     locate and "open" the CIGAL program in this way it modifies itself to
     remember its full Macintosh pathname.  This install procedure only needs
     to be done once.
  4. Once the installation is done CIGAL will quit. When it is restarted it
     should come up in its fully installed configuration.

For IBM-compatible PCs:

 To install CIGAL on your computer (this example assumes transfer is from
 floppy drive A: to hard drive C: -- if not, substitute the correct drive
 letters where appropriate):
      Insert the RUN floppy into the disk drive
      Change to that disk drive by typing:
      Then type:
              install c:

By default INSTALL copies the program itself (CIGAL.EXE) to the root directory on the target disk. You are free to move it to another directory, but that directory MUST be in your PATH list.

INSTALL then creates a directory named \CIGAL and some sub directories on the hard drive, and copies the following files to the \CIGAL directory:

      cigal.hlp       - the on-line manual
      sysmenus        - a library of menus (this is the system menu file)
      sysmacro        - a library of macros
      sysstart.imp    - CIGAL's system startup command file

1) CIGAL is a large program and when you run it only part of it is loaded into memory at any one time. For this reason it must always be accessible via the PATH list – it's performance will also be much less satisfactory if you try to run it directly from the floppy disk.

2) The executable program, CIGAL.EXE, is all that is really required to run CIGAL, but the program is much easier to use in conjunction with the menus, macros, and help files.

3) You can move the \CIGAL directory to a different disk drive, or to a subdirectory if you like. But if you do so you should define a DOS environment string called CIGAL with the name of the new directory. For example, if you want to make the CIGAL directory:


you should enter the following line (eg. in your AUTOEXEC.BAT):

              set CIGAL=D:\APPL\CIGAL\

(note the final backslash). You needn't bother with the SET command if you use the default directory name of \CIGAL on the current disk.

Once the program is loaded onto your hard drive you can run it from any directory on your system simply by typing:


However, because it is easy to create a lot of files quickly using CIGAL, it is recommended that before you start the program you change to a subdirectory that you only use for running CIGAL. For example,

      cd \cigal\run

This directory is empty to begin with, so that later on when the time comes to delete unwanted data files you need not worry about accidentally deleting some system files as well. If CIGAL is used for different projects or by different people it is a good idea to create a different sub-directory for each. You can have CIGAL prompt for which directory to use by adding the RUNDIR command as the last line of CIGAL's system startup file SYSSTART.IMP. To do this, start CIGAL and then type:

      edit sysstart

use the arrow keys to move to the end of the file and then add the line:


Finish by pressing the <F10> key and then 'y' when it asks if you want to save the changes. You will see the difference the next time you start CIGAL. (You can use CIGAL's EDIT command to modify any text file on your computer.)

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Topics List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter1/install.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by