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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Commands): HISTOGRAM

HISTOGRAM -- Draw a histogram (or smooth curve) of a data array

usage: histo yvarb [key intens errs storflg binwid xoff xscal yoff yscal]

The HISTOGRAM command generates a graphical display of the values in an array (specified by the first argument). The display is drawn on the current graphics device (see GRAPHICS(1), INITIALIZE(2), UNIT(4), GUNIT(4)). The nature of the display is specified by the remaining arguments:

     KEY          - Type of display (combine by addition):
                    0: open bars
                    1: solid bars
     INTENS       - Intensity (color) value to use for the output.
     XSCAL, YSCAL - Scale factors for X and Y axes (default 1,1).
     XOFF, YOFF   - X and Y offsets for the origin of the display
                    (default 0,0).  Offset is added after scaling.
     WID          - Width (1-15) of lines drawn in the display.
     ZVAL         - Z value to use for each point (default 0)
     OMEM         - Memory variable in which to draw display.  The default
                    is the current display memory.
     STORFLG      - Save histogram vectors; default (0) is to display only.

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Commands List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter2/histogram.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by