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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_bread

r_bread -- Read a rectangular image from a larger image

usage: r_bread opflg eflag ltime DatBuf BlkBuf Box BlkWid XferFlg

R_BREAD is a REALTIME operator. It transfers a rectangular block of data into DATBUF from the larger block BLKBUF. The portion of BLKBUF to be read is specified by the rectangle in BOX. BOX is a short integer array. It usually has 4 values that define the size of the rectangle (left, top, right, bottom). If FLAG has the CenterPoint (8) option selected, BOX has 2 values that specify just the center location in BLKBUF where DATBUF should be copied from. In that case DATBUF must have at least 2 dimensions and the size of DATBUF must be smaller than BLKBUF.

The width of BLKBUF is specified in BLKWID.

FLAG specifies options. Values 0-7 control data transfer options:

        0 - replace the old value with the new
        1 - or the old value with the new
        2 - xor the old value with the new
        3 - and the old value with the new
        4 - add the new value to the old

Higher values indicate other options – these can be combined with the values above by addition.

        8 - CenterPoint: the BOX parameter is a single point (x,y); the data
            block to be copied is centered at that point in BLKBUF

BOX is a short integer array with 4 values that define the size of the rectangle (left, top, right, bottom). The width of BLKBUF is specified in BLKWID. XFERFLG specifies how the data are to be combined:

        0 - replace the old value with the new
        1 - or the old value with the new
        2 - xor the old value with the new
        3 - and the old value with the new
        4 - add the new value to the old

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter6/r_bread.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by