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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Introduction): DualScreen

Using two display monitors in CIGAL

CIGAL will automatically detect whether you have multiple monitors enabled on your computer. If you do, you can choose which monitor to use for program control and which to use for real-time stimulus presentation. By default, the primary monitor will be used for all display functions.

The Display pull-down menu allows you to call the Configure Display function to control dual-screen display options.

Display control variables

CIGAL automatically sets the following variables at start-up:

  • nscreens - the number of monitors detected
  • mainscreen - which monitor to use for CIGAL main screen (1=primary)
  • scr1rect - 2×2 array containing the bounding rectangle for screen 1
  • scr2rect - 2×2 array containing the bounding rectangle for screen 2
  • scrwid - width of main screen in pixels
  • scrhgt - height of main screen in pixels

For real-time tasks, CIGAL uses the following variables to control display features:

  • screenflag - 1=use RT display 1, 2=use RT display 2, 3=use both displays
  • rt1rect - the bounding rectangle for RT display 1
  • rt2rect - the bounding rectangle for RT display 2

To use the secondary display monitor as CIGAL's main screen, create a Windows shortcut to CIGAL.exe and modify its properties to include the option “screen=2” on the target line (i.e. …\cigal.exe screen=2). Using that shortcut to start CIGAL will cause the program to appear on the secondary monitor.

See Also:
ShowPlay Tutorial, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual,

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter1/dualscreen.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by