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Showplay Documentation, Chapter 3 (Output Files): Save Flags

SAVEFLAGS -- Flag for ShowPlay output files

The saveflags parameter controls which output files appear in the current directory when a stimulus run is completed. This flag can be set either in the parameter settings portion of the '.ppf' input file (see below), from the command line prior to running a stimulus file (the line to type is exactly the same as the line that would appear in the '.ppf' file), or from the saveflags dialog (type 'menu saveflags on the command line). The options for the flag are (number in left column is decimal number, the right column is the octal number):

 Value    Meaning
 -1   -1   Don't save any output files
  0    0   Default: save all
  1    1   Don't save show.out file
  2    2   Don't create new paradigm file name 
  4    4   Don't increment paradigm number
  8   10o  Don't save Showplay code modules
 16   20o  Don't save hemodynamic response template
 32   40o  Don't create StimRec entry
 64  100o  Don't save Showplay parameters 
128  200o  Don't save image code list 

For example, to set the saveflag in the paradigm parameters section of the '.ppf' file, add a line anywhere before the return statement like this:

saveflag = -1 ; Don't save output files

(Note: anything after a ';' in a '.ppf' file will be ignored.)

jvs/cigal/showplay/saveflags.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by