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DBAX Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): General information

Chapter 1 -- Contents

Topic Description
OverviewIntroduction to DBAX
Database ClientInteracting directly to the database
DBAX Web-ServiceAllow web-clients access to the database
DBAX Web-ClientInteracting with the database via the web-service
CreatingDesigning and creating your own database tables
ViewingViewing data in database tables
ImportingImporting data into database tables
ExportingExporting data from database tables
QueriesQuerying database tables
BackupBacking-up database tables
EditingEditing database tables
ManagingManaging database tables
SecurityControlling access to data

See Also:
DBAX Home, DBAX Manual

jvs/dbax/manual/chapter1.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by