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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): wait

Wait -- Wait for input data records to be generated

usage: -wait flag toutsecs count delayms

When processing data, the WAIT command can be used to affect the timing of steps and whether the program should check for multiple data files or if each data record is actually available before processing. By default, the WAIT command instructs the program to wait for missing data. The FLAG argument controls other WAIT behavior options (see below).

  • FLAG - Wait modes:
    • -1 - no wait – do not look for multiple images in series
    • 0 - turn off all wait flags
    • 1 - wait for input images to be generated (default)
    • 2 - terminate fScan if there are no user interactions for TOUTSECS (default: 300s)
    • 4 - wait for user input (keyboard/mouse) before each WATCH step
    • 8 - sleep TOUTSECS before starting
    • 16 - slow – used with flag 1 to introduce delay (DELAYMS) when waiting for images

The TOUTSECS argument indicates how long to wait for data before giving up. TOUTSECS defaults to 300s (5 min). Specifying TOUTSECS=0 means wait forever if necessary.

COUNT is only used with FLAG=1; it indicates maximum number of image volumes (3D time points) to wait for. Default COUNT is 1000.

DELAYMS is used with FLAG 1 – it will pause at least that many milliseconds between images. DELAYMS defaults to 10 if FLAG & 16.

NOTE: The -WAIT 1 or -WAIT 4 options should be specified before the command options that they are modifying. Most WAIT options return to default when the current processing is completed. If you select the -1 FLAG option, however, it will stay in effect until you explicitly reset it with the command:

  • -wait 0

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/wait.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by