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Running CIGAL simultaneously with other behavioral software

If you already have your behavioral tasks set up using other software (e.g. EPrime, Presentation, Matlab, etc.) you can run that software for task stimulus and button response recording, and run CIGAL simultaneously to record synchronized physiological and eye-tracking signals. This works well provided that your computer has 2 video monitors so that each program can be run on a different screen. In that case you can run CIGAL on the secondary monitor while you run your regular behavioral software on the primary monitor. Both programs can be automatically triggered by the scanner so that they run in synchrony. You (and your subject) will see your task stimuli displayed on the main screen, and you can watch the physiological and eye-position signals displayed simultaneously in real-time on the second screen. CIGAL uses almost no computer time for its data recording and very little for its display; running on a modern dual-core computer CIGAL has no significant impact on the timing accuracy of the other program.

Configuring CIGAL for background recording

Starting CIGAL for background recording

Configuring your other software for compatibility with CIGAL in background

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter1/background.1395163013.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/04 16:03 (external edit)