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jvs:fscan:here [2011/08/29 16:50]
voyvodic created
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-==== fScan versus other fMRI analysis software ==== 
-fScan differs from other fMRI analysis software in 3 important ways: 1) organization of 
-multimodal data in coherent XML-based “workspace” descriptor files and the ability to compare 
-two workspaces simltaneously, 2) integration and interoperability of fScan’s large repertoire of 
-intrinsic processing features with the ability to run programs and read data from other software 
-packages all within a single fScan interactive session, 3) emphasis on data visualization 
-capabilities, multimodal data integration, and a comprehensive and user-friendly graphical user 
-interface. The relevance of each of these for the proposed study is briefly discussed. 
-1) Workspaces – A workspace is a collection of any number of related data_sets. Within a 
-workspace, all spatial data can be registered to a common spatial coordinate system so that 
-any location in one data set can be directly mapped onto any other data set. Examples of 
-spatial data can be a single 2-dimensional JPEG image, or a large 3-D, 4-D (or even 5-D or 
-6-D) series of MR images, or a 3D surface reconstruction graphics data set. A workspace 
-also binds multiple time series data sets to a common temporal coordinate system. For 
-example, it can link stimulus and behavioral response timing files, physiological oscillation 
-data, eye-tracking data, and fMRI functional imaging data so that the relative timing is 
-accurately known across all data collected for each brain scan. All information describing a 
-workspace can be saved in a single XML text file. fScan can load two different workspaces 
-simultaneously and the spatial coordinate systems of both can be registered, which then 
-allows any data set in one workspace to be overlaid or compared to spatial data in the other. 
-Originally designed to facilitate comparison between a subject exam workspace and a 
-standard brain atlas workspace, this ability to compare two sessions will be invaluable in the 
-proposed longitudinal study for comparing and quantifying changes in brain function (or 
-structure) across multiple scan sessions of a single subject. 
-2) Interoperability – fScan's processing capabilities are not limited to its own internally 
-programmed features. It also supports in-line execution of other software packages. For 
-example, to use FSL's motion correction program (MCFLIRT) a user simply clicks an icon in 
-the "FSL" taskbar to start a a shell script that automatically reformats the appropriate data file 
-to NIfTI format if necessary, runs the MCFLIRT program, and then returns to the waiting 
-fScan process to automatically load the newly created data set into a new fScan window. 
-New data sets produced in that way are automatically registered to the common workspace 
-coordinate system. This shell scripting option provides enormous flexibility to combine 
-fScan's own internal features with complementary features available in other software 
-packages. Simple graphical taskbars currently provide access to most major FSL package 
-features and provide full integration of FreeSurfer 3-D brain reconstruction data. Additional 
-interoperability taskbars are being added to integrate AFNI (Cox et al., 1996) software 
-programs as well as DTI programs and data structures. 
-3) Visualization environment – fScan’s taskbar GUI interface is designed to be intuitively easy to 
-use, and fScan's help features are simple and always available via direct access to a web- 
-based Wiki that can be easily kept up-to-date. By providing immediate access to all data 
-components via a common workspace, a simple graphical interface to processing features in 
-fScan and multiple other programs, and extensive data visualization tools fScan can make 
-functional brain mapping very accessible even to non-expert users. As part of our preliminary 
-studies and preparation for the current proposal we have been directly involved in improving 
-fScan’s user interface, user tutorials, and other on-line documentation. The result is a 
-powerful brain image analysis platform that will provide the foundation for our image data 
-analyses. It will also be used as a valuable teaching tool for providing students and others 
-with direct access to the data collected in this study and to brain mapping methods more 
jvs/fscan/here.1314636626.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/04 16:03 (external edit)