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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): stability

Stability -- Calculate displacements of center-of-mass

usage: -stability flag outname refimg slice maxpct levelmm levelpct1 levelpct2

  • FLAG - can take on the following values:
    • 0 - read dx/dy values for registration; OUT is treated as IN file/rec
    • 1 - generate dx/dy/dz plots for each time point
    • 2 - generate dx/dy/di plots for each slice separately
    • 4 - censor images where dx or dy is greater than MAXPCT
    • 8 - print volume motion parameters
    • 16 - print image motion parameters
    • 32 - motion censor data by volume (default is by image)
    • 64 - report global X/Y motion values (mean, stdev, max)
    • 128 - use the most frequent position as reference (otherwise use mean value)
    • 512 - create a point ROI at the image center-of-mass for the central timepoint
    • 3 - generate all plots (default)
  • REFIMG - reference time point for image registration (default=0)
  • SLICE - If specified, only that slice is done, otherwise all.
  • MAXPCT - Used when motion censoring (FLAG & 4). Images with displacement greater than MAXPCT of a voxel will be omitted from further analysis (default MAXPCT = 50% for images, 30% if censoring volumes(flag 32)).
  • LEVELMM - minimum motion level for reporting percent of images moved (default: 1 mm)
  • LEVELPCT1 - (default: 5)
  • LEVELPCT2 - (default: 20)

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/stability.1487107647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)