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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): table_show

Table show -- Displaying table data

usage: -table [file] TABLENAME [FLAG] [ROW0 NROWS] [FILENAME]

The “show” modifier is used to display table data.
Show is the default if FILENAME is missing.
With no TABLENAME this prints a list of all tables in memory.
Show with TABLENAME prints the specified table.

FLAG: specify printing options (combine by adding):

  • 1 - show column names
  • 2 - show column types
  • 4 - show row numbers
  • 010 - show table title
  • 020 - comma separated columns
  • 040 - tab separated columns
  • 0100 - only show up to 10 rows of data
  • 0200 - show no data, only header
  • 0400 - show row sorting index if available

ROW0 - number of rows to skip before showing data (default = 0)

NROWS - maximum number of rows to show (default = 0, for all rows)

FILENAME - table will be written to the named output file.

See Also:
Table, Table Printf, Browse

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jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/tableshow.1395859207.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)