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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (KeyCmds:PlotKeys): active

Active -- Select current active curves


  • a - make next curve active (1st if all currently active)
  • 0a - make all active
  • Na - make curve N active
  • MODE,FLAG a - specify activation and display options

DBl-click curve (N) also 'activates' it (equivalent to: Na)
DBL-click outside graph 'activates' all (equivalent to: 0a)

Options for MODE,FLAG a usage:

 0,0a - previous curve becomes active (not by group)
 0,2a - activate all curves same color as current active
 1,0a - activate curves individually
 1,1a - activate curves by color
 1,2a - activate consecutive curves by color
 2,0a - don't erase before adding curves
 2,1a - erase plot befor adding new curves
 2,2a - reuse previous curve settings for new curve
 3,0a - turn off auto-selection
 3,1a - auto-select - select curves when activated
 3,2a - auto-deselect - deselect curves when activated
 3,3a - auto-toggle - toggle de/select curve when activated
 4,0a - display inactive curves normally
 4,1a - display inactive curves as gray
 4,2a - don't show inactive curves
 9,0a - show active curve flags

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, KeyCmds, PlotKeys, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter3/plotkeys/active.1407168181.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/22 20:40 (external edit)