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Bibliography for James Voyvodic

First author or senior author peer-reviewed journal articles:

J.T. Voyvodic (1987) Development and regulation of dendrites in the rat superior cervical ganglion. J. Neurosci. 1987:7:904-912.

J.T. Voyvodic (1989). “Peripheral target regulation of dendritic geometry in the rat superior cervical ganglion”, J. Neurosci., 9:1997-2010.

J.T. Voyvodic (1989), “Target size regulates calibre and myelination of sympathetic axons”, Nature, 342:430-433.

J.T. Voyvodic, J.F. Burne, and M.C. Raff (1995). “Quantification of normal cell death in the rat retina: Implications for clone composition in cell lineage analysis”. Eur J Neurosci 7:2469-2478.

J. T. Voyvodic (1996). Cell death in cortical development: How much? Why? So what? Neuron 16:693-696.

J. T. Voyvodic (1999). Real-time fMRI integrating paradigm control, physiology, behavior and on-line statistical analysis. NeuroImage. 10:91-106.

J.P. Petrella, L.M. Shah, K.M Harris, A.H. Friedman, T.M. George, J.H. Sampson, J.S. Pekala, and J.T. Voyvodic (2006). Preoperative Localization of Language and Motor Areas with Functional MRI: Impact upon Therapeutic Decision Making in Patients with Potentially Resectable Brain Tumors, Radiology 240:793-802.

J.T. Voyvodic (2006). Activation mapping as percentage of local excitation (AMPLE): fMRI stability within scans, between scans, and across field strengths, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24:1249-1261.

J.T. Voyvodic, J.R. Petrella, and A.H. Friedman (2009) “fMRI activation mapping as percentage of local excitation: Consistent presurgical motor maps without threshold adjustment”, J. Mag. Res. Imaging 29:751-759.

J.T. Voyvodic, G.H. Glover, D. Greve, S. Gadde, FBIRN (2011). “Automated real-time behavioral and physiological data acquisition and display integrated with stimulus presentation for fMRI”, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, (5) 27:1-9

J.T. Voyvodic (2012) “Reproducibility of single-subject fMRI language mapping with AMPLE normalization”, J. Mag. Res. Imaging, 36:569-80.

Other peer-reviewed journal articles:

D. Purves, R. Hadley, and J.T. Voyvodic (1986). Dynamic changes in the dendritic geometry of individual neurons visualized over periods of up to three months in the superior cervical ganglion of living mice. J. Neurosci. 6:1051-1060.

D. Purves and J.T. Voyvodic (1987). Imaging mammalian nerve cells and their connections over time in living animals. Trends in Neurosci., 10:398-404.

D. Purves, J.T. Voyvodic, L. Magrassi, and H. Yawo (1987). “Nerve terminal remodeling visualized in living mice by repeated examination of the same neuron”, Science, 238:1122-1126.

D. Purves , J.T. Voyvodic, L. Harris, and S.L. Pomeroy (1988). “Dynamic aspects of innervation in adult mammals”, In: Signal and Sense: Local and Global Order in Perceptual Maps, W.E. Gall (Ed.), John Wiley, New York.

D. Purves, W.D. Snider, and J.T. Voyvodic (1988). “Trophic regulation of nerve cell morphology and innervation in the autonomic nervous system”, Nature, 336:123-128.

B.A. Barres, I.C. Hart, H.C. Coles, J.F. Burne, J.T. Voyvodic, W.W. Richardson, and M.C. Raff (1992).“Cell death and control of cell survival in the oligodendrocyte lineage”. Cell, 70:31-46.

Y. Ishizaki, J.T. Voyvodic, J.F. Burne, and M.C. Raff (1993). “Control of lens epithelial cell survival”, J. Cell Biol., 121:899-908.

K.R. Thulborn, J. Voyvodic, B. McCurtain, J. Gillen, S. Chang, M.A. Just, P. Carpenter, and J.A. Sweeney (1996). High field functional MRI in humans: Applications to cognitive function. In: Proc. European Seminars in Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, No. 24: “Functional MRI”, Syllabus 4, Springer Verlag, pp:91-96.

K.R. Thulborn, B. McCurtain, J. Voyvodic, S. Chang, J. Gillen, and J.A. Sweeney (1996). “Functional MRI: The environment and technology for clinical application”. In: Proc. European Seminars in Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, No. 24: “Functional MRI”, Syllabus 4, Springer Verlag, pp:15-19.

K.R. Thulborn, J.T. Voyvodic, J.A. Sweeney (1996). “High Field fMRI: Technology and Applications”. Japanese Journal of MRM, 16:44.

K. R. Thulborn, S. Y. Chang, G. X. Shen, J. T. Voyvodic (1997). “High-resolution echo-planar fMRI of human visual cortex at 3.0 Tesla”. NMR in Biomed. 10:183-190.

T. Watanabe, J. T. Voyvodic, T. Chan-Ling, H. Sagara, K. Hirosawa, Y. Mio, S. Matsushima, H. Uchimura, K. Nakahara, and M. C. Raff (1997). “Differentiation and morphogenesis in pellet cultures of developing rat retinal cells”. J. Comp. Neurol. 377:341-350.

K. R. Thulborn, J. Voyvodic, S. Y. Chang, M. Strojwas, and J. A. Sweeney (1998). New approaches to cognitive function by high field functional MRI. Brain Mapping, pp:15-23.

R.A. Bermann, C. L. Colby, C. R. Genovese, J. T. Voyvodic, B. Luna, K. R. Thulborn, and J. A. Sweeney (1999). Cortical networks subserving pursuit and saccadic eye movements in humans: an fMRI study, Human Brain Mapping. 8:209-225.

J.R. Booth, B. Macwhinney, K.R. Thulborn, K. Sacco, J. Voyvodic, and H.M. Feldman (1999). Functional organization of activation patterns in children: whole brain fMRI imaging during three different cognitive tasks. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 23:669-82.

J.R. Booth, B. Macwhinney, K.R. Thulborn, K. Sacco, J. Voyvodic, and H.M. Feldman (2000). Developmental and lesion effects in brain activation during sentence comprehension and mental rotation. Developmental Neuropsychology. 18:139-69.

K.R. Thulborn, C. Martin, and J.T. Voyvodic (2000) Functional MR imaging using a visually guided saccade paradigm for comparing activation patterns in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease and in cognitively able elderly volunteers. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 21:524-31.

K.S. LaBar, M.J. Crupain, J.T. Voyvodic, and G. McCarthy (2003). Dynamic Perception of Facial Affect and Identity in the Human Brain. Cerebral Cortex 13:1023-33.

C.G. Wible, K. Lee, I. Molina, R. Hashimoto, A.P. Preus, B.J. Roach, J.M. Ford, D.H. Mathalon, G. McCarthey, J.A. Turner, S.G. Potkin, D. O’Leary, A. Belger, M. Diaz, J. Voyvodic, G.G. Brown, R. Notestine, D. Greve, and J. Lauriello (2009). “fMRI activity correlated with auditory hallucinations during performance of a working memory task: Data from the FBIRN Consortium”. Schizophr Bull. 35:47-57.

J.M. Segall, J.A. Turner, T.G. van Erp, T. White, H.J. Bockholt, R.L. Gollub, B.C. Ho, V. Magnotta, R.E. Jung, R.W. McCarley, S.C. Schulz, J. Lauriello, V.P. Clark, J.T. Voyvodic, M.T. Diaz, and V.D. Calhoun (2009). “Voxel-based morphometric multisite collaborative study in schizophrenia”. Schizophr Bull. 35:82-95.

D.N. Greve, B.A. Mueller, T. Liu, J.A. Turner, J. Voyvodic, E. Yetter, M. Diaz, G. McCarthy, S. Wallace, B.J. Roach, J.M. Ford, D.H. Mathalon, V.D. Calhoun, C.G.Wible, S.G. Potkin, G. Glover, FBIRN (2011). “A novel method for quantifying scanner instability in fMRI”, Mag. Res. Med. 65:1053-1061.

G.G. Brown, D.H. Mathalon, H. Stern, J.Ford, B. Mueller, D. Greve, G. McCarthy, J. Voyvodic, G. Glover, M. Diaz, E.Yetter, B. Ozyurt, K. Jorgenson, C. Wible, J. Turner, W. Thompson, S. Potkin, FBIRN (2011). “Multisite Reliability of Cognitive BOLD Data”, NeuroImage 54:2163-2175.

G. H. Glover, B.A. Mueller, J.A. Turner, T.G.M. van Erp, T.T. Liu, D.N. Greve, J.T. Voyvodic, J. Rasmussen, G.G. Brown, D.B. Keator, V.D. Calhoun, H.J. Lee, J.M. Ford, D.H. Mathalon, M. Diaz, D.S. O’Leary, S. Gadde, A. Preda, K.O. Lim, C.G. Wible, H.S. Stern, A. Belger, G. McCarthy, B. Ozyurt, S.G. Potkin, FBIRN (2012) Function Biomedical Informatics Research Network recommendations for prospective multi-center functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. J. Mag. Res. Imag., 36:39-54.

M.L. Thomas, G.G. Brown, W. Thompson, J. Voyvodic, D.N. Greve, J.A. Turner, D.H. Mathalon, J. Ford, C.G. Wible, & S.G. Potkin (2013). The application of item response theory to fMRI data: Prospects and pitfalls. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 212:167-174.

T.G.M. van Erp, A. Preda, D. Nguyen, L. Faziola, J. Turner, J. Bustillo, A. Belger, K.O. Lim, S. McEwen, J. Voyvodic, D.H. Mathalo, J. Fordi, S.G. Potkin, FBIRN (2014) “ Converting positive and negative symptom scores between PANSS and SAPS/SANS”, Schizophrenia Research 152:289-294.

M.T. Diaz; L.J. Hogstrom; J. Zhuang; J.T. Voyvodic; M.A. Johnson; C.C. Camblin (2014) “Written distractor words influence brain activity during overt picture naming”, Frontiers in Human Neurosci, 8

J.A. Richey, C.R. Damiano, A. Sabatino, A. Rittenberg, C. Petty, J. Bizzell., J. Voyvodic, A. Heller, M.C. Coffman, M. Smoski, R.J. Davidson, & G.S. Dichter (in press) “Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.

Book chapters

J. Voyvodic (1992). Development and ongoing regulation of synaptic connections and neuronal morphology in autonomic ganglia. In: Development, Regeneration and Plasticity of the Autonomic Nervous System, ed: I.A. Hendry & C.E. Hill, Harwood Academics, Chur, Switzerland, pp:383-414.

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