ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): showdir

Showdir -- The directory containing the stimulus files

SHOWDIR is a character string variable that indicates the starting disk directory where Showplay should look for stimulus files (e.g., images, sounds, movies).

By default, SHOWDIR is set to the current working directory (Curdir). To make SHOWDIR relative to the folder that contains the paradigm parameter file (PPF), insert the following line in the upper portion of the parameter file:

showdir = getfile(param_file,4)

Param_file is a string variable containing the name of your parameter file. The Getfile command gets the directory path containing Param_file.

SHOWDIR can be set to a directory path relative to the current working directory (Curdir), or it can be a complete directory path (starting with '/', '\', or X:, where 'X' is a disk drive letter).

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, InputParameters List, Manual Help