ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): sk_params

Sketch parameters -- Control interactive drawing options

The “sketch” parameters are used to enable interactive drawing during a Showplay paradigm.

The Sketch parameters are:
sk_flag - main control flag

sk_tmin - minimum elapsed time before recording new cursor position
sk_dmin - minimum cursor displacement (pixels) before recording new cursor position
sk_dmax - maximum cursor displacement (pixels) for connected points; greater than this starts a new vector list
sk_wid -
sk_hgt -
sk_imagename - background template image file name
sk_rect - rectangle to constrain drawing
sk_beep - name of beep sound sk_dbeep - minimum time between beeps (ms)

All sketching operations are implemented in the real-time program module “rt_response”. Copy the original and modify it in your task folder if you want to customize sketching features.

Note: Sketch data are recorded within the “pdigm” output file, and are also saved in a “drawing.txt” file.

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, InputParameters List, Manual Help