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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): ASCII_codes

ASCII_Codes -- Keyboard and mouse key codes

When CIGAL accepts input from keyboard and mouse type devices the input value itself is recorded as a key code. For keyboard keys the value is determined by the hardware and operating system, and generally will conform to the ASCII coding scheme. For mouse button presses, CIGAL assigns special code values that are usually not sent from the keyboard.

The following table shows the key codes CIGAL uses:

 1: <MouseLeft>  33: !     65: A     97: a    129:          161:          193: <F7> 
 2: <MouseRight> 34: "     66: B     98: b    130:          162:          194: <F8>  
 3: <MouseBoth>  35: #     67: C     99: c    131:          163:          195: <F9>  
 4:              36: $     68: D    100: d    132:          164:          196:    
 5:              37: %     69: E    101: e    133:          165:          197:   
 6:              38: &     70: F    102: f    134:          166:          198: 
 7:              39: '     71: G    103: g    135:          167:          199: <Home> 
 8: <BackSpace>  40: (     72: H    104: h    136:          168:          200: <UpArrow> 
 9: <Tab>        41: )     73: I    105: i    137:          169:          201: <PageUp> 
10:              42: *     74: J    106: j    138:          170:          202:    
11:              43: +     75: K    107: k    139:          171:          203: <LeftArrow>
12: <KeyPad5>    44: ,     76: L    108: l    140:          172:          204:  
13: <Enter>      45: -     77: M    109: m    141:          173:          205: <RightArrow>
14:              46: .     78: N    110: n    142:          174:          206:        
15:              47: /     79: O    111: o    143:          175:          207: <End>    
16: <MouseCtr>   48: 0     80: P    112: p    144:          176:          208: <DownArrow>
17: <MLeft+Ctr>  49: 1     81: Q    113: q    145:          177:          209: <PageDown>     
18: <MRight+Ctr> 50: 2     82: R    114: r    146:          178:          210: <Insert>  
19: <MouseAll>   51: 3     83: S    115: s    147:          179:          211: <Delete>    
20:              52: 4     84: T    116: t    148:          180:          212:     
21:              53: 5     85: U    117: u    149:          181:          213:     
22:              54: 6     86: V    118: v    150:          182:          214:     
23:              55: 7     87: W    119: w    151:          183:          215:     
24:              56: 8     88: X    120: x    152:          184:          216:     
25:              57: 9     89: Y    121: y    153:          185:          217:     
26:              58: :     90: Z    122: z    154:          186:          218:     
27: <ESC>        59: ;     91: [    123: {    155:          187: <F1>     219:      
28:              60: <     92: \    124: |    156:          188: <F2>     220:      
29:              61: =     93: ]    125: }    157:          189: <F3>     221:    
30:              62: >     94: ^    126: ~    158:          190: <F4>     222:  
31:              63: ?     95: _    127:      159:          191: <F5>     223:   
32: <Space>      64: @     96: `    128:      160:          192: <F6>     224:   

See Also:
Keyrd, Wait
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jvs/cigal/manual/chapter1/ascii_codes.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by