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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Topics): background configuring_eprime

Configuring EPrime for compatibility with CIGAL in background

There are two main concerns when using EPrime with CIGAL at the same time:

  • The first is to make sure that EPrime does not attempt to access the Measurement Computing USB device because CIGAL needs to use that for accessing the scanner trigger and physio channels. This shouldn't normally be a problem.
  • You should start EPrime with the same video settings that it will use for your tasks to avoid it changing video modes unexpectedly. This is probably not a concern if you are running with a single video display, but it will cause problems if you have 2 monitors active. So if your task is set up to run in 800×600 pixel mode, for example, you should use the display properties option to set the display to 800×600 before starting either CIGAL or EPrime. (To change display properties, right click on the desktop, choose Properties, then select the Settings tab).

At BIAC you can configure EPrime to use the scanner trigger pulse provided on the EPrime SRbox (in Eprime's settings windows) to start when the scanner starts. The trigger pulse appears as “button 5” on the SRbox interface. This works even if you are using another button box (e.g. the USB button boxes) for collecting subject responses.

See Also:

CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Topics List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter1/background_config_eprime.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by