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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 1 (Introduction): programfiles

Program Files -- Files used by ShowPlay paradigms

ShowPlay refers to a collection of program files for configuring, loading, running, and saving data related to behavioral task paradigms. These program are all plain text files written in CIGAL's two programming languages (the macro scripting language and the real-time multi-tasking language), or in CIGAL's interactive menu specification formats. All ShowPlay system files are located within the PDIGMS, IMP, DLOGS, and CodeBlocks sub-folders within the main CIGAL folder. Some of the commonly used programs in those folders are listed below.

PDIGMS subfolder – the main paradigm processing programs:

  • showplay.imp - the ShowPlay program itself; this calls most of the others
  • pdigminit.imp - this initializes a lot of global variables (there are more in showplay.imp)
  • readyscan.imp - called by showplay for the “Ready to Scan” GUI and last-minute data preparation
  • savepdigm.imp - the primary data saving script; it calls others
  • showbehavior.imp -
  • setsweepbox.imp -

IMP subfolder – other useful programs, not necessarily paradigm specific:

  • eyechart.imp – display an eye-chart on the screen
  • iotest.imp – test i/o devices

DLOGS subfolder – all the GUI menu and dialog specifications:

  • showplay.mnu - ShowPlay-specific commands
  • settings.mnu - hardware and software configuration options
  • configure.mnu - the device configuration dialog
  • sitesettings.mnu - the hardware settings dialog

CodeBlocks subfolder – scripts and real-time code modules for running ShowPlay paradigms:

  • show_load.imp - loads and interprets the stimulus events table from PPF files
  • show_prepstims.imp -
  • show_ready.imp -
  • show_savedata.imp - saves more paradigm data at end of run
  • rt_begin.txt -
  • rt_response.txt -
  • rt_stimon.txt -
  • rt_stimoff.txt -
  • rt_trigger.txt -
  • rt_sweep.txt -
  • rt_finish.txt -

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, Introduction List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter1/programfiles.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by