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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): set filename

Set Filename -- Browse directories to set a user-defined string to a filename

-set filename varbname value [Promptstring Flag Matchstr Rootdir]

The SET FILENAME command creates a user-defined variable called VARBNAME and sets it to a file or directory name found via an interactive file browsing window.

The FLAG argument can be used to control search options.
FLAG (octal values are listed; add positive values to combine options):

  • 1 - ADDROOT: add the root directory '/' to the browse window
  • 2 - ADDBACK: add the parent directory '..' to the browse window
  • 4 - FILETYPE: add filetype character before each file name
  • 010 - ATROOT:
  • 020 - SORT: sort the list alphabetically
  • 040 - ACCESS: only include files in browser if the user has access permission
  • 0100 - ROOTDIR: don't allow search above starting directory
  • 0200 - MULTIPLE: allow multiple files to be selected
  • 0400 - SORTFILETYPES: list directories first, then regular files
  • 01000 - NEWLIST:
  • 02000 - 1STRING: return selected file(s) as single line string
  • 04000 - REGFILES: include regular files
  • 0100000 - NOBROWSE: find all files in ROOTDIR without opening a browser window
  • 0200000 - DIRS: only list directories
  • 0400000 - NODIRS: do not list directories
  • 0 - Default: ADDBACK + FILETYPE + SORT + 1STRING

Note: Use the Table command to create a list of file or directory names without going through the interactive browse window.

See Also:
Set, Table

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jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/setfilename.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by