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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Commands): ANIMATE

ANIMATE -- Display a series of pictures in rapid succession

usage: animate varb [ screenregion - delay flag zoom nviews view0]
or: animate varb [ scrx0 scry0 delay flag zoom nviews view0]
or: animate avifile

ANIMATE expects a SOLID variable as its first argument. The solid represents a set of 2-dimensional images. This command copies the image planes to the display screen one after the other, thus giving the illusion of a moving picture. The word size and type of the solid variable must match the word size and type of the current display mode.

The FLAG argument can be used to select standard display options, as:

FLAG = 1 - Go through sequence only once
       2 - Go through sequence in reverse order
       4 - Cycle through sequence forwards and backwards, changing direction
             each time the end is reached

The ZOOM argument specifies a scale factor for zooming. The animated image's size is increased by multiplying each pixel ZOOM times in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions and displaying the result. The default ZOOM is 1 (i.e., no zooming). Note: The increase in image size causes a non-linear decrease in the display rate.

The NVIEWS and VIEW0 arguments can be used to animate multiple interleaved viewing frames. The NVIEWS argument specifies how many interleaved views there are in the data variable. If VIEW0 is not specified, NVIEWS different views will be animated simultaneously. If VIEW0 is specified, that frame is first shown and then every NVIEWS frame thereafter. For example, if the variable IMAGES contained multiple sets of 7 different views, you could animate all 7 views simultaneously with:

        animate images - - - - - 7
 or you could animate every 7th frame starting with the 3rd with:
        animate images - - - - - 7 3

While animation is in progress you can control the display interactively by pressing keys on the keyboard, or by selecting from a list of menu options with the mouse. The interactive control options are summarized in the table below. (Note: When creating a menu these options are coded as pseudo-menu commands of the form “;X” where X is the character in the MENU column in the table.)

  KEY        MENU   ACTION
 <SpaceBar>   (s)   Freeze display, or single step to next frame
 <Return>     (c)   Resume continuous display
 <UpArrow>    (u)   Show sequence in forward direction, or single step forward
 <DownArrow>  (d)   Show sequence in reverse direction, or single step backward
 <LeftArrow>  (l)   Increase delay -- slows down display
 <RightArrow> (r)   Decrease delay -- speeds up display
 <ESC>        (q)   Stop animation -- return to command level

 Pressing any other key terminates the ANIMATE command.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Commands List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter2/animate.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by