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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (Commands): DUMP

DUMP -- print the contents of data variables in an easy-to-reload format

usage: dump varb [varb2 varb3 …]

DUMP prints out the contents of the named variable(s) in a format suitable for later reloading those variables automatically. Thus, the variable name is first printed, then '=', then either the data value directly, or a '{' followed by multiple values on subsequent lines, and ending with a '}' line. This command provides an easy way to store a number of data parameters quickly, in a format that is all ready to be reloaded.


 If A and B are number variables, S1 is a character string, A1 is a
 real array, and SL1 is a string list variable, the command:
               dump a b s1 a1 sl1 > savevarbs.imp
 would produce a file that might look something like:
               a = 123.000
               b = -999.123
               s1 = {
               The quick brown fox
               a1 = {
               1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
               5.00 6.00 5.00 4.00
               sl1 = {
 which could later be reloaded simply by entering:

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Commands List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter2/dump.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by