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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (Functions): ALERT

ALERT -- Display message window and wait for response

usage: value = alert(msg_string,prompt_string,flag,alert_name,x0,y0,nx,ny)

     1 - left justify the message text
     2 - center the message string text
     4 - don't wait for response

The PROMPT_STRING is a list of response button names. You can specify multiple buttons, separated by a semicolon (e.g. “!Okay;Done;Cancel”). Multiple buttons display right to left and top to bottom.

If one of the button names is preceded by the '!' character, it will be the default response (selected if the user presses <Enter>). Specifying none causes the first button to be the default.

If the first character in a PROMPT_STRING is a non-printable character less than 12 (e.g. \001 - \014), it is considered a flag indicating how many response buttons per horizontal line (the default is 4).

If no PROMPT_STRING is specified, and the alert is waiting for a response (i.e., no 4 FLAG), the default PROMPT_STRING is “!Okay”.

To specify the title of the alert window change the ALERT_NAME argument. If it is omitted, the window is titled “Alert”.

By default, the alert window will appear in the center of your primary display screen. You can cause the window to appear somewhere else by specifying one or more of the parameters X0, Y0, NX, or NY. If X0 (or Y0) is >= 0, that will be the left (or top) pixel location of the window. If NX (or NY) is > 0, that will be the width (or height) of the window. Unspecified or invalid parameters will assume their default values.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Functions List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter3/alert.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by