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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 4 (com1):

Com1 -- Integer variable controlling first serial I/O port

usage: Com1 = value

COM1 and COM2 are integer variables controlling the operation of the two asynchronous serial input/output ports on Macintosh or IBM type computers. Changing the value of COM1 or COM2 results in an immediate change in the operating parameters of the associated port.

The bit-fields in the COM1 variable are as follows:


    Select:         Field: Bits:  Value: Meaning:     DOS  MAC   WIN
    Word length     ww      0-1     0    5 bits        x          x
                                    1    6 bits        x          x
                                    2    7 bits        x    x     x
                                    3    8 bits        x    x     x
    Stop bits       s       2       0    1 stop bit    x    x     x
                                    1    2 stop bits   x    x     x
    Parity select   pp      3-4     0    No parity     x    x     x
                                    1    Odd parity    x    x     x
                                    2    Mark parity              x
                                    3    Even parity   x    x
    Baud rate       bbbb    5-8     0    110 baud      x          x
                                    1    300 baud      x    x     x
                                    2    600 baud      x    x     x
                                    3    1200 baud     x    x     x
                                    4    2400 baud     x    x     x
                                    5    4800 baud     x    x     x
                                    6    9600 baud     x    x     x
                                    7    14400 baud               x
                                    8    19200 baud         x     x
                                    9    38400 baud         x     x
                                   10    56000 baud         x     x
                                   11    57600 baud         x     x
                                   12    115200 baud        x     x
                                   13    128000 baud        x     x
                                   14    256000 baud        x     x
    Xon/Xoff        x        9      1    Output control     x     x
                    X       10      1    Input control      x
    Clear to Send   c       11      1    CTS handshaking    x
    DataTerminalReady d     12      1    DTR input control  x

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, CIGAL data variables, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter4/com1.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by