CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 5 (Diagnostics): operrs
operrs -- errors
1 | QUOTE | Quoted string embedded within a word |
2 | SYMBOL | Unrecognized character symbol |
3 | NUMBER | Illegal characters within a number |
4 | SYMTYPE | Mismatch between explicit and declared data type |
5 | MAXSUBS | Too many subscript arguments for data type |
6 | BADCHARS | Unrecognized characters on command line |
7 | VARNAME | Illegal syntax for a variable name |
8 | PARENS | Unbalanced parentheses |
9 | WORD | Illegal syntax for a command line argument |
10 | FILEENTRY | Missing bracket '}' for file entry number |
11 | ARITHMAX | Arithmetic expression too complex |
12 | UNARYOP | Illegal unary operator |
13 | ARITHARG | Arithmetic arguments are out of order |
14 | AUTOINC | Auto increment/decrement out of place |
15 | DECLARTYPE | DECLARE statement has illegal data type |
16 | ASSIGNCMD | Attempt to assign a value to a command name |
17 | SYMBOLSIZE | Name is too long for symbol table (12 chars max) |
18 | DEFINE | Non character argument to a DEFINE command |
19 | JUMPERR | Invalid GOTO, LABEL, NEXT or BREAK statement |
20 | MACNAME | Macro name missing or illegal |
21 | DEFAULT | DEFAULT command not near the start of macro file |
22 | FILENUMBER | File number variable expected (eg., @<numb>) |
23 | CONTINUE | Continued command line exceeds buffer size |
24 | NUMVARB | Can't use indirect varb to specify a number varb |
25 | IF_WHILE | Illegal syntax for IF or WHILE cmd – check spacing |
26 | DECLDIMENS | Dimensions in DECLARE cmd inappropriate for data type |
27 | OPENTYPE | OPEN command requires file type as second argument |
28 | OPENNAME | OPEN command requires file name as third argument |
29 | WHILE | WHILE command syntax error |
30 | BRACKETS | Unpaired brackets: { and } |
31 | MAXWHILES | Too many nested WHILEs (includes submacros) |
32 | NUMARGS | Illegal number of arguments to command or function |
33 | MENUCMD | Syntax error in menu command |
34 | MENUFORMAT | Illegal format in menu declaration |
35 | NOARRAY | Array was expected as argument |
36 | DEFFUNC | Illegal usage of DEFINE'd function |
37 | AMBIG | Ambiguous command abbreviation |
38 | BADOPERAND | Unrecognized char string in arithmetic expression |
39 | undefined | |
RUNTIME Errors: | ||
41 | COMMAND | Command line too long to parse |
42 | STACK | Stack (internal memory space) overflow |
43 | RELTBLOFLOW | Relocation table overflow during compile |
44 | REDECLAR | Attempt to redeclare a global variable |
45 | REDEFINE | Attempt to redefine a global name |
46 | FILENAME | Missing file name |
47 | NUMARGS | Command requires additional arguments |
48 | NOGLOBAL | Unresolved global data variable |
49 | SYMOFLOW | Symbol table overflow |
50 | DEFOFLOW | DEFINE symbol table overflow |
51 | DATAOFLOW | Data buffers not big enough for calculation |
52 | COMPLXEXPR | Arithmetic expression too complex |
53 | ARITHSYNTX | Syntax error executing arithmetic expression |
54 | EXPRBUFFER | Expression produces an illegal array |
55 | MISSOPRAND | Missing operand in arithmetic expression |
56 | MODIFIER | Subscript or fileentry value not a number |
57 | CHARASSIGN | Invalid character string assignment |
58 | ASSIGNMENT | Attempt to assign to filename or constant |
59 | EXPANDBUF | Attempt to assign values beyond variable length |
60 | DIMENSIONS | Dimension mismatch in assignment |
61 | HOLDSIZE | Expression too complex; insufficient temp. memory |
62 | STACKFLAGS | Corrupted stack: bad macro or symbol table flag (bug) |
63 | STACKADDR | MOVSTK error: illegal stack address (bug) |
64 | NODATADIR | File number error: Datadir string not defined |
65 | FILEVARB | File variable error: illegal filename syntax |
66 | FILEOPEN | File open error |
67 | FILEDELETE | File delete error |
68 | NOFREECHAN | No free i/o channel for file open |
69 | HELPSYNTAX | Illegal syntax for HELP command |
70 | ARGTYPE | Function called with illegal type of argument |
71 | BUG | Internal argument error: check syntax |
72 | BADHELP | Help file open error |
73 | READERROR | Error reading from file |
74 | PACKEDFILE | Attempt to read PACKED file not via READ cmd |
75 | NESTEDFUNC | Function used as argument to another function |
76 | MAXRECURS | Command line argument too complex to evaluate |
77 | NULLARRAY | No length specified for array generator |
78 | COREADDR | Attempt to map variable to illegal memory address |
79 | EQUIVSIZE | Attempt to map a larger variable to a smaller one |
80 | MREOPEN | Attempt to return to calling macro failed |
81 | FILECLOSE | File close error |
82 | SHORTARRAY | Specified array is shorter than expected |
83 | REOPEN | Attempt to reopen file failed |
84 | RECURSDEFS | DEFINE'd string replacement is infinite loop |
85 | NOADJUST | Specified variable not suited for adjustment |
86 | NOHEADER | Header record was expected in data file |
87 | BADPOINTER | Pointer to data structure was expected |
88 | BADSYMTABLE | Symbol table has been corrupted |
89 | BADSTACK | Stack memory allocation list corrupted |
90 | COMPILECMD | Command not legal in compiled macro |
91 | MACNAME | Presumed macro has illegal name |
92 | CMDOFLOW | Macro too large for compiler command table |
93 | FILEIOERROR | Error reading or writing to file |
94 | GETIPC | Error reading compiled macro command |
95 | BADMENUFLAG | Illegal flag used in menu command |
96 | NOMENU | Named menu not found |
97 | MENUFILE | I/O error on menu file (see MENUAFILE(4)) |
98 | MENUOFLOW | Menu table overflow; remove menus |
99 | NOMACRO | Named macro not found |
100 | TOOBIGNUM | Explicit number too large (> 2147399935) |
101 | NOCRTGRAPH | CRT Graphics not initialized (see INIT(2)) |
102 | NOSUCHDEV | INIT error: no such device |
103 | ILLEGALMEM | MEMNUM error: illegal memory specification |
104 | IPMEMERR | Image Processor illegal memory error |
105 | PRIMARGS | Bad argument syntax for call to function |
106 | NOFUNC | Attempt to call unrecognized function |
107 | CONVMATRIX | Not legal convolution matrix |
108 | NOTGRAPHMODE | Graphics device is not in proper mode |
109 | BADVALUE | Argument value is outside legal range |
110 | TEXTVEC | Vector I/O error: illegal text vector |
111 | VECSUBSCRIPT | Vector subscript out of bounds |
112 | FILTSPEC | Filter operator: varb missing or size mismatch |
113 | DATATYPE | Variable must be of type BYTE or INTEGER |
114 | COMPLEXPAINT | Area is too complex to paint |
115 | SLOTERROR | Error in performing paint |
116 | VECARITH | Syntax or data error in vector arithmetic |
117 | VECIO | Error in reading or writing vector file |
118 | VECPART | Attempt to read or write part of vector file |
119 | VECTYPE | Vector type argument expected |
120 | ZOOMFACT | Can't zoom up and down at same time |
121 | GMENUERR | Illegal graphics menu or help string list |
122 | NOTINTARG | Input must be integer data type |
123 | SORTDIR | Too many filenames to sort |
124 | NOEXPMEMORY | No expanded memory driver found |
125 | HIMEMALLOC | Error attempting to allocate high memory |
126 | ALLOCATE | Error attempting to allocate memory |
127 | MISMATCH | Word size of input and output don't match |
128 | MAXZONE | Specified screen menu zone beyond right margin |
129 | TMPMEM | Error trying to allocate temporary memory |
130 | EDSIZE | Editor buffer size overflow |
131 | EDLINES | Editor overflow – Increase line limit |
132 | EDACTIVE | Previous Editor session still active |
133 | NOFORMAT | No format conversion specified |
134 | TRANSVECS | Op. illegal while vector transforms enabled |
135 | FILEENTRY | Illegal file entry number |
136 | LOOPOFLOW | WHILE/REPEAT loop too long – Compile macro |
137 | SUBRANGE | Variable subscript is out of range |
138 | RELEASE | Variable cannot be released |
139 | NOTGRAPHICS | Screen is in text mode when graphics expected |
140 | COMPRESS | Output variable is not compressible |
141 | NOPRGRAPHICS | No graphics printer enabled (see PRFLAGS(4)) |
142 | SYSMACFILE | Can't open (or create) system macro library |
143 | MACFILEFULL | System macro library is full |
144 | PARTIO | Attempting I/O on only part of a data file |
145 | CLOSEFIRST | Must first close system file before reopening |
146 | OVERWRITE | Must delete old macro entry before rewriting |
147 | NOARRAY | Array or matrix variable expected |
148 | RECSIZE | Data width not integral multiple of record size |
149 | FORMAT | Syntax error in format string |
150 | DECLSYNTAX | Syntax error in DECLARE statement (check spacing) |
151 | PERPSYN | PERP syntax expects vector and veclist args |
152 | NOSIMAGE | SAMPLE needs image variable to sample from |
153 | ODDREC | Odd bit count per data line in file I/O |
154 | ALARMSYNTAX | Illegal syntax for alarm command |
155 | BADAOI | Mask area-of-interest outside of variable |
156 | NOIMAGE | Matrix or image variable expected |
157 | NOSCANNER | Scanner driver not found (see INIT(2)) |
158 | SCANDEV | Error attempting to load scanner driver |
159 | SCANSIZE | Size of scan variable unknown |
160 | SCANNER | I/O error on scanner device |
161 | NOMATRIX | Matrix variable expected |
162 | FUNCNAME | Function name not recognized |
163 | NODEV | Real-time clock not initialized – see INIT(2) |
164 | SETRTCLOCK | Must set each clock channel separately |
165 | RTCLOCKNUM | Invalid or uninitialized clock chan specified |
166 | RTCLOCKSETUP | Error attempting to set real-time clock |
167 | RTCLOCK | Error attempting to activate real-time clock |
168 | BADTRIGGER | Trigger parameter invalid (or not initialized) |
169 | NODIALOG | Named dialog resource was not found |
170 | RTIMESPEC | Invalid argument in realtime specification |
171 | RTIMEOP | Unrecognized realtime operator specified |
172 | TEMPFILE | Error opening temporary file |
173 | RTIMEOFLOW | Realtime overflow – increase PARADIGM memory |
174 | RTIMEGOTO | Realtime GOTO operator can't find its LABEL |
175 | VARBEMPTY | Data variable invalid or empty |
176 | RTIMEOPARGS | Realtime operator has too few arguments |
177 | RTIMENOFILE | Realtime file i/o op – file not found |
178 | RTIME_LOOP | Realtime REPEAT operator can't find END |
179 | RTIMEABORT | Realtime execution aborted after 50 errors |
180 | FILECREATE | Error attempting to create new file |
181 | INITERROR | Unrecognized device initialization |
182 | STRINGARITH | Using explicit char string in calculation |
183 | INDIRECT | Illegal indirect variable name |
184 | NOSTRING | Character string variable expected |
185 | SOUNDINIT | Error initializing sound devices |
186 | SOUNDRECORD | Error recording sound |
187 | SOUNDPLAY | Error attempting to playback sound |
188 | BADSCALEFACT | REPEATFLAG incompatible with scale factor |
189 | NOREC | Data record not found |
190 | NOWINDOW | Named window not found |
191 | COMPORTINIT | Error initializing serial communications port |
192 | COMPORTIO | Error attempting I/O on serial port |
193 | NOTDMOD | File not in DM format |
194 | XXPRIMEERR | Error in DM X-Xprime data format |
195 | RTIME_CASE | Error in REALTIME case statement (duplicate label?) |
196 | MEMERROR | Attempt to access memory outside of specified variable |
197 | RESERVED | Attempt to declare a variable using a reserved word |
198 | RTIME_BREAK | R_BREAK or R_END used outside of REPEAT or SWITCH block |
199 | RTIME_BLOCKS | Realtime R_REPEAT or R_SWITCH block is missing R_END |
200 | WRITEERROR | Error writing to file |
201 | DEVNOTREADY | Specified device not initialized |
202 | RTIME_DEFAULT | Multiple R_DEFAULT statements in R_SWITCH block |
203 | MENUTYPE | Menu specification doesn't agree with explicit type |
204 | DDRAWERROR | DirectDraw error – argument is error code |
205 | NOSCREEN | No address for display memory |
206 | IMGLIST | Image list variable expected |
207 | NOIMGLIST | Image list variable can't be used in this context |
208 | RTCINEHDRERR | R_CINE or R_FLICKER header allocation error |
209 | AVIOPENERR | Error attempting to open AVI file |
210 | AVIMAXSTREAMS | Exceeded maximum number of AVI streams |
211 | DMERROR | DM File I/O error (DMREAD or DMWRITE) |
212 | INCLUDE | Error opening INCLUDE file |
801 | OFFSCREEN | Specified point lies outside the screen memory |
802 | NOFAST | FAST GRAPHICS option not selected forGFLAGS(4) |
803 | BADSTRING | Specified character string empty or invalid |
804 | ZEROVALUE | Zero found where non-zero argument expected |
805 | REPEAT | Invalid argument to REPEAT operator |
806 | LOOP | LOOP operator invalid within REPEAT block |
807 | RANGE | Argument value is outside legal range |
808 | MEMERR | Memory buffer overflow |
See Also:
CIGAL Manual,
Diagnostics List,
Manual Help
jvs/cigal/manual/chapter5/operrs.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by