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CIGAL Reference Manual, Chapter 6 (RealTime): r_afill

r_afill -- Draw a filled arc shaped wedge

usage: r_afill opflg eflag ltime Intensity Box Angle0 Angle

R_AFILL is a REALTIME operator. It draws a filled arc shaped wedge on the screen. The color is determined by the INTENSITY value, which will be mapped through the active color lookup table to produce a color. The size and position are determined by the BOX argument, which is a short integer array specifying a screen region (4 values: left, top, right, bottom); the arc originates at the center of the box and extends to the edge. The orientation of the arc is specified by ANGLE0, which is the starting position in degrees, measured clockwise from 12 o'clock. ANGLE specifies the angular width of the arc in degrees.

See Also:
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, RealTime List, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/manual/chapter6/r_afill.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by