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JVS Utilities: DMWRITE

DMWRITE -- Write data management (DM) archive file

usage: dmwrite dmfile infile rtype hdrtxt wsiz nx ny nz nt [options]

DMWRITE appends data to a DM format data archive file, creating the file if it doesn't already exist.

RTYPE is the record type, any value > 0.
NOTE: RTYPE values less than 30 have predefined meanings.

OPTIONS can appear anywhere in the command line. They can be:

  -h      Replace existing header with INFILE; no data transferred.
  -R [N]  Relabel old (existing) record RTYPE to RTYPE+N (default: N=500)
  -abcd   Create file with little byte first byte order.
  -dcba   Create file with big byte first byte order.
          (byte order is ignored if appending to existing file).
  -f      DM file only contains header and pointer to data file
          (default is to put both header and data into DM file).
  -A      Append only; don't create the file if it doesn't exist.
  -vN     Verbose flag -- print diagnostic messages.

See Also:

jvs/dmwrite.1324393894.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/04 16:03 (external edit)