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Once the behavioural files have been linked to the appropriate data set, it is possible to take a more detailed look at the run information. Using the command dmread behavioural_file, a full list will be provided with the run details of the file. To access any specific section of the list retype the dmread command with the specification at the end as the type number (for example, in order to open the parameter file, type the command:

dmread behavioural_file 22) 

The file that opens will display the specific run times and protocol that was used during the scan, based on the information entered when running the scan.

A quick revision of the parameter is not the only useful function in the dmread command. The behavioural files can also contain information on the biological trends of the subject when in the scanner, including respitory oscillation and physio times. All of the information within the behavioural files can be accessed through the dmread command. The type number may seem sporadic, as certain sections may not appear for some paradigm files and will appear for others. The numbers on the far left are simply accounting for all the available sections, whereas the second list of numbers act as the section header.

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter1/dmread.1312219265.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/04 16:03 (external edit)