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Threshold and Overlay


After opening an activation map in fScan using the behavioural and functional files (see how here), it is important to adjust the threshold of the image for more clarity. Press the f key to filter the image, and then press F7 to set the threshold to '-4.0,4.0', which should eliminate most of the extraneous activity. The resulting image will be primarily in green or yellow, yellow showing all the activation of the first task in the command:

/-r run1list.txt delay 4.5 -ttest 1 2

In this case it is 1.

The green indicates all the additional activation of the second task in the command (2) which does not overlap with the first.

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter1/threshold_and_overlay.1312224064.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)