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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions): display

Display -- Show images on X-window display

usage: -display dev flg panels tnam ncol cmds qcmds hdrtxt nvstat nvplot scal

The DISPLAY command controls fScan's interactive display properties.

  • DEV - The DEV argument can be any recognized X host, either by IP address or name (e.g. myhost, or, or
  • FLG - The FLG argument is a bit flag with the following meanings:
    • 1 - display results progressively; otherwise calculate all then display
    • 2 - show only one window at a time (<enter> or 'j' to switch)
    • 4 - offscreen
    • 010 - open all data windows initially (default is to only open if < 10 data sets)
    • 020 - only display main interactive menu
    • 040 - don't display any interactive menus
    • 0100 - don't display window text
  • PANELS - PANELS can be used to specify how many rows to use for showing images; the default is to arrange panels in multiple rows (obsolete – use '-set showpanes').
  • TNAM - TNAM is a character string to use as a filename prefix when creating TIFF files. The normal filename can be overridden when creating TIFF files interactively. The default prefix is the source file name (INFILE). Obsolete – use '-set tiffname'.
  • NCOL - NCOL can be used to specify the number of palette colors to use.
  • HDRTXT - HDRTXT is a text string that will be displayed in each window (obsolete – use '-set showtext')
  • SCAL - SCAL is the initial intensity scaling factor to be applied to all windows; the default is 0.0, which results in autoscaling (obsolete – use '-set allscale')

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/display.1328193439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)