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fScan Reference Manual, Chapter 2 (CmdLineOptions:expr): flood

Flood -- Flood fill an intensity region starting from a seed point in a 3D image volume

usage: -expr flood flag value range fillvalue datamask

The FLAG argument controls options.  Combine options by adding values.

FLAG values:
          0 - use current cursor location as seed loc. (default)
          1 - use origin (0,0,0) of region as seed loc.
          2 - use center of region as seed loc.
          4 - start at seed, then find nearest VALUE (or VALUE-RANGE) voxel
        010 - Binary: treat VALUE and RANGE as bit values
        020 - assume a 2-bit mask; otherwise 1 bit
        040 - use highest data bit(s) as mask (default is lowest)
       0100 - Inverse: flood values that DON'T match VAL/RANGE
       0200 - RANGE value is relative to neighbor (+- RANGE intensity)
       0400 - RANGE value is % relative to neighbor (+- RANGE %)
      01000 - don't include edges (voxels touching outside voxels)
      02000 - set edge voxels to FILL_EDGE value (2)
      04000 - only flood in the seed plane (default is 3-D volume)

Values to flood depend on FLAG, VALUE, & RANGE.
      VALUE:  value to flood
      RANGE:  mask of bits to consider when looking for VAL

      VALUE:  threshold value (default = 1) 
      RANGE: > 0, neighbors must be within RANGE % of VALUE to be filled
             < 0, neighbors must be within -RANGE of VALUE to be filled
             = 0, neighbors must match VALUE to be filled

Values being flooded will be replaced with the original value, masked by
If FILLVALUE was not specified, it will be set to:

If DATAMASK was not specified, it will be set to:

For binary masked data:
      data bit 0 (1's) - ON/OFF
      data bit 1 (2's) - FILLED/not FILLED (or INTERIOR/not INTERIOR)
      data bit 2 (4's) - EDGE/not EDGE

      ROINUM - if this is a BLOCK ROI, filling is only done within the ROI
      SEEDLOC - XYZ location from which to start filling
                If SEEDLOC == 0, the seed locations is determined by the FLAG value 
      T0 - which volume to use (if nt > 1)

See Also:
fScan Home, fScan Manual, CmdLineOptions, Expression Command, Manual Help

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter2/expression/flood.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by