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ShowPlay Reference Manual, Chapter 3 (ControlVariables): sweepflag

Sweepflag -- Control oscilloscope-like real-time feedback

The SWEEPFLAG parameter controls the continuous real-time display of all data being recorded during a ShowPlay paradigm. The sweep feedback is available when running paradigms in split-screen display mode (see CIGAL's Display menu options). When SWEEPFLAG is set in split-screen mode the sweep display is generated automatically by ShowPlay using CIGAL's real-time operators R_SETSWEEP and R_SWEEP.

SWEEPFLAG values (combine by adding):
* 1 -
* 2 -
* 4 -
* 8 - auto-scale display height (Y-values)
* 16 - do not smooth curves
* 32 -
* 64 -
* 128 - percent flag

Additional quality control feedback options are available using the FEEDBACKFLAG parameter.

See Also:
ShowPlay Home, ShowPlay Manual, InputParameters List
CIGAL Home, CIGAL Manual, Manual Help

jvs/cigal/showplay/manual/chapter3/sweepflag.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/23 18:43 (external edit)