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Workspace File

See also workspace

A Workspace file will allow a user to access all relevant image files in one package when running fScan. It is a convenient way of saving a workspace format for future use. A WDF, once created, can store behavioral, functional, and anatomical files together so that they may be uploaded together on fScan and analysed without making any changes to the original files. A WDF saves any alignment matrix created to match anatomical and functional files, and saves any scheduling or behavioral files linked to the functional datasets. A WDF is ideal for creating a workspace that can store changes made to data and allow the user to continue to analyze data without having to repeat steps each time it is opened.


Overlay and Alignment

Linking Files

Save as WDF

jvs/fscan/manual/chapter1/workspace_file.1313682999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:41 (external edit)